So, I've always wanted to try a time exposure of lightning bugs. I took several attempts for a couple good pictures. Here are a few.
I haven't seen too many lightning bugs the last couple times I went home to central Illinois. Normally there are overwhelming amounts of them there. But then again when I think about all of my memories I have of lightning bugs, which include: chasing them in my front yard every night in the summer as a child, catching a whole bug box full of them, sitting and watching the box lighting up all night until i fell asleep (unless my brothers got to them. They had a tendency to squish every one of them across the driveway just to see the long streak of their guts glow and/or they did this to pick on their younger sister). Other memories involve me being really high in high school and going out to the forest preserve with my best friend and watching them light up the sky for hours. The only light in the sky came from thousands of these little bugs- moments like these are among some of the most amazing experiences I've ever had.
The point is, I'm wondering if my perception of a million lightning bugs lighting up the sky comes from my childhood memories, where everything was bigger, better and more mystical. Either this or my perception of them comes from the memories I made while my mind was altered.
lightning bugs are one of the best things about summer