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Last Year's Christmas Calf

Christmas Eve last year, Sarah and I got watch a baby cow come into the world. I photographed all night, until my hands could no longer move.



LA Beach Break

After a rigorous couple of days working and photographing in LA, Max picked me up from the Echo Outpost and took me to the beach before I had to head back to Chicago!

It was just the break I needed after graduation.

Echo Country Outpost- Edendale, CA

My last day in LA was cut short. Luckily I was able to hit the road with the boys and hang out with them before they played a mini show at Echo Country Outpost, right outside of LA

As you all should know, I'm obsessed with interesting interior spaces and I love to photograph them, too!

I didn't have the time to stay and watch/photograph the show but after doing "band photos", all I wanted was a nice break from taking pictures of people.

So, in order to document this space (I would've regretted it if I didn't), I was running around like a mad taking pictures for the short 45 minutes before I had to catch my flight back home. To me, it was all worth it

I'm in love with this place. 



NPR. Chicago Listening Party

I got the chance to photograph one of NPR's listening parties this past June! 
To get more info on NPR's listening parties visit here
